

Administrative Staff & Laboratory Staff

600 +

Active Students

15 +


About Us

The Biology Study Program collaborates both at home and abroad

As a form of support for learning media, as well as developing the abilities of study program students, collaboration is carried out with various agencies such as student exchanges, Madrasa science competition activities, Overseas Scholarships for outstanding students and various scientific activities at home and abroad.

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Instructional Media

What can you get

Online/Offline Classrooms

Real skills, for real-world application with interactive media

Support from Competent Educators

A collection of various teaching staff in the field of Biology both at home and abroad

Supporting Facilities

Mosque, Dormitory, Laboratory, Library, Student Activity Unit, Sports Field, Scientific Activity Forum

Briefing for the World of Work

Activities involve other agencies in collaboration such as internships, field work practices and research

Discussion Group Forums

Place for discussion in the field of Serumpun science

The Biology Study Program Discussion Group Forum provides an opportunity for lecturers, education staff and students who have related fields of science to discuss research and practicum development.



Studying related to the structure of animal development includes morphology, anatomy, histology, physiology and taxonomy


Studying the structure of plant development which includes morphology, anatomy, embryology, physiology, taxonomy and breeding


Learn about the diversity of animals and plants, landscapes, waters, environments and coasts


Studying diversity, genetics, utilization and physiological reactions caused by microorganisms

Graduate User Testimonials

What Do They Say About Biology Study Program Graduates?

Graduates of the Biology Study Program at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Able to develop the benefits of biological science and able to make decisions based on accurate information and data to solve problems in the field of biology, especially the environment, health and food in a comprehensive manner


Anggraeni Hadi Pratiwi, S.P., M.Sc.

Head of the Agrotechnology Study Program, Raden Rahmat Islamic University

Graduates of the UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Biology Study Program have integrity, are honest and disciplined and have good communication skills



Head of PSLB3 DLH Malang

UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Biology graduate is thorough and attentive to work assignments, enthusiastic about achieving targets, has a high sense of curiosity, is proactive, cooperative, empathetic towards others


Principal Expert Researcher

Biology Research Center - LIPI

UIN Biology graduate Maulana Malik Ibrahim has a desire to enrich research on probiotics for health, from various scientific aspects.


Field Operations Executive

PT Nestle Indonesia

Our Campus Information

One of the State Islamic Universities located on Jl. Gajayana No. 50, Malang

The special characteristic of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University in implementing its scientific development model requires all members of the academic community to master Arabic and English. Through Arabic, it is hoped that they will be able to study Islam through its original sources, namely the Koran and Hadith, while through English they are expected to be able to study general and modern sciences, apart from being a global communication tool. Because of this, this university is called a bilingual university. To achieve this goal, a ma'had or campus Islamic boarding school was developed where all first year students had to live in the ma'had. Therefore, education at this University is a synthesis between university traditions and ma'had or Islamic boarding schools.

Latest Information

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Study Program Information

This is one of the study programs at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University


Biology Study Program
Faculty of Science and Technology
Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University
Jl. Gajayana No. 50, Malang


(0341) 558933 / 0895342415950

